Virtual Burnham Project



Virtual Burnham Project



Contact information regarding the website:

Donnie Sendelbach

After serving as Co-Director for the Virtual Burnham Initiative while
an Academic Technology Specialist at Lake Forest College, Donnie
Sendelbach is now DePauw University’s Director of Instructional and
Learning Services and Director of the Information Technology
Associates Program.  Leading a team of talented students working on
the first phase of the VBI, she contributed greatly to the NEH Digital
Humanities Start-up Grant funding that phase.  With a Ph.D. in Slavic
Literatures, she started her career in instructional technology as the
Mellon Technology Fellow in Writing at Bard College before holding
faculty/technology positions at Lawrence University and Lake Forest
College. With numerous grant-funded projects and conference
presentations in instructional technology, she served as a National
Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) Technology
Fellow for Social Software and the Student Information Technology
Exchange 2.0 project lead.


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